The Unilever Series: Dominique Gonzales Foerster - TH.2058


Posts Tagged 'Apocalyptic'

The survivors
By Claire Godden Rowland

  The world can be such a cruel place these days, and who can blame it after how we have treated it, throwing its hospitality in its face like the ungrateful lodgers we are. Every thing has its place, everything its time and I think perhaps the world is done with us and our conceit. There we [...]
Read The survivors...

By Mark Giacomin

A gradual atavism held London in thrall. Relentless downpours and rising water levels had led to monolithic aluminum rigidams fencing in the Thames. A once mighty river eddied pitifully, tapping the barriers like an apologetic asylum seeker. A glut of flat-packed messiahs ranted at Speakers’ Corner. People flocked to hear the gilded tongues of mendicants. When [...]
Read Umbrae...