Tate Encounters


Where I come from the brightest is the sky

Film Barrio (1998 - Fernando León de Aranoa)
A group of teenagers from the outskirts of Madrid steal yogurt pot lids from the supermarket to send them by post with the hope of winning a Caribbean holiday. Luck knocks on their door and they win second prize. They win a jetski. Where I come from museums such as Tate Britain are as meaningful and relevant as a jetski parked and chained to a lamp post in a suburb miles from the sea.

Film Barrio (1998 - Fernando León de Aranoa) Production Companies: Elías Querejeta Producciones Cinematográficas S.L., MGN Filmes, Sociedad General de Televisión S.A. (Sogetel). Distributors: Warner Sogefilms S.A. (Spain)

In my subjective visual culture, subject and object collapse.

Frederick Kiesler: "Primitive man carved and painted the walls of his cave or the site of a cliff, no frames or borders cut off his work from space or life – the same space, the same life that flowed around his animals, his demons and himself".

Should museums emulate subject and object collapse?
Should museums create a meaningful context for their art or limit themselves to display art pieces?
Should museums provide snoezelen* experiences?

*Although the term 'snoezelen' normally refers to a therapy, this term is here used in a wider sense to refer to controlled multisensory stimulation experiences. Shopping malls provide us with 'retail therapy', I expect 'Snoezelen therapy' from museums. Museums should shake all of my 'self' not only my intellect.

Some info, from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snoezelen): 'Snoezelen or controlled multisensory stimulation is used for people with (severe) mental disabilities, and involves exposing them to a soothing and stimulating environment, the "snoezelen room"...'Ideally, Snoezelen is a non-directive therapy and can be staged to provide a multi-sensory experience or single sensory focus, simply by adapting the lighting, atmosphere, sounds, and textures to the specific needs of the client at the time of use. There is no formal focus on therapeutic outcome - the focus is to assist users to gain the maximum pleasure from the activity in which they and the enabler are involved.'

Theme parks exemplify and/or lampoon the collapse of object and subject, and provide visitors with snoezelen experiences. Do we want 'Art theme parks'?

Is “LATE AT TATE” an attempt to collapse object and subject? Or are they trying to amuse me in TATELAND*?

*TateLand: Theme park of real TATE available once a month. Tate's carnival, when it challenges and questions itself and its own Status Quo, allowing visitors to eat olives inside the museum (₤2 a pot), listen to a DJ and see projections not suitable for epileptics.

-LANDS (Creative/Cultural and Leisure industries) are more and more a reflection of 'our' society. A society which is moving into a 'magic world Disney'; where there are two people to clean poo for every pony; where pony mess is offensive; where the natural and organic is obscene; where everything is painted in accordance with Disney pantone*, artificially coordinated; where the odd one out has no place; where nothing ages and everything keeps fresh and is carefully updated; where ideas feed themselves through mirror walls; where the selves perpetuate themselves to the infinite. Consumer-centred paradises without Gods but with princesses.

* If you don't know what pantone is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantone

The most powerful British Antiseptic (Greek αντί, against, and σηπτικός, putrefactive) is its correctness. Through correctness (among other virtues) Tate Britain’s level of asepticity, understood as the absence of living things, is alarmingly high. The culture of 'just in case somebody feels bad about it and/or sues us' creates what seems like respect but it is both fear and hypocrisy. Moreover, a false sense of accessibility.

Where is the blood*? Is it under the carpet?

* real/genuine/natural experience. Antonym of lab generated experiences to carry out a political agenda.

Less signs, more communication*.

*multisensory, honest, passionate, human communication. Take the risk to distress me!

Sibling rivalry

The Art as part of The Museum. The Museum as part of The Art.

The Art as part of The Museum. The Museum as part of The Art. Art escaping (from Tate Britain) – Tate Britain becoming part (of the ArtPiece)

The British Trinity

The Lord help us!

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